Seite 2 von 4

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 18. Mai 2013, 16:58
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Hier mal mein erstes Skript. :mrgreen:

Man muß dafür einen Heli mit Namen "test" haben und eine Inf Gruppe mit Namen "pickup" und einer Einheit in dieser mit Namen "pickup". Dann kann das Skript initialisiert werden, am besten, so daß man es mehrmals ausführen kann, z.B. mit der F-10 Operation die die Flagge 902 auf true setzt und so die Infantrie Gruppe anfordert den Heli zu besetzen.

Nähert man sich der Infantriegruppe, poppt diese grünen Rauch. Wenn man dann in der Nähe landet, kommt die Gruppe zum Heli und steigt ein (natürlich nicht wirklich, sie verschwindet und eine Flagge wird gesetzt, die später genutzt werden kann um einen vollen Heli zu simulieren).

Manchmal muß man die Infantrie mit der F-10 Option mehrmals rufen, bis sie sich durchringt zum Heli zu kommen da die AI nicht immer sehr zielstrebig ist. Ich arbeite noch einem Skript mit dem man dann die Infantrie an beliebiger Stelle wieder absetzen kann und in einer vordefinierte Zone schicken kann, aber erstmal dieser Schnipsel:

Code: Alles auswählen

--create F10 options for flag 902 to request to pick up troops
--script should be called by scwitched condition / flag 902, which is initialized by F-10 menu
--create a group with the name "pickup" and the first unit name "pickup"
--create a heli with unit name "test"

local inf       		= Unit.getByName('pickup') --unit name of 1ste unit of pickup group
local infgroup		    = Group.getByName('pickup') --groupname of troops to be pickedup
local heli 				= Unit.getByName('test') --unit name of transport heli
local heligroup 		= Group.getByName('test') --group name of transport heli

        units           = {"pickup"}, 
        zone_units      = {"test"},
        radius          = 200,--distance to call infantry
        flag            = 903,
        stopflag        = 4

local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
local heliagl = helipos.y - land.getHeight({x = helipos.x, y = helipos.z}) - 1.5
local helivel = heli:getVelocity()
local abshelivel = math.abs(helivel.x) + math.abs(helivel.y) + math.abs(helivel.z)

function main()
if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(902) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(903) > 0)
				local infpos = inf:getPosition().p
				trigger.action.smoke({x=infpos.x + math.random(5,10), y=infpos.y-2, z=infpos.z + math.random(5,10)}, trigger.smokeColor.Green)
				if (abshelivel > 1)  
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Slow down"), 10) 

					if (heliagl > 1)  
						trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Get lower"), 10) 
							if (heliagl <= 1 and abshelivel <= 1) 
								trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are embarking, hold position!"), 10)
								trigger.action.setUserFlag('904', true) --Flag 1004 indicates troops can embark
								local getin = 
											group = Group.getByName('pickup'),
											point = {y = helipos.y, x = helipos.x, z = helipos.z},
											radius = 1,
											form = "Diamond",
											speed = 10,
											disableRoads = 1
								mist.flagFunc.units_in_moving_zones --creating zone to trigger that troops embarked
											units           = {"test"}, 
											zone_units      = {"pickup"},
											radius          = 20, --distance at which infanty embark
											flag            = 905,
											stopflag        = 906,
											req_num			= 1
			trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("You are too far away from LZ!"), 10)
			trigger.action.setUserFlag('902', false) --initial trigger set false again

if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(904) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(905) > 0)
				trigger.action.setUserFlag('906', true) --Flag 1006 indicates troops are on board
				trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("All troops on board!"), 10)
local funcID = mist.scheduleFunction(main, {}, timer.getTime() + 10, 120)

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 22. Mai 2013, 17:34
von JaBoG32_Herby

Code: Alles auswählen

local apc = Unit.getByName("APC")
local apcpos = apc:getPosition().p
local apcheading = mist.getHeading(apc)

group = {
	units = {
		[1] = {
			["x"] = apcpos.x - 5 * math.cos(apcheading),
			["y"] = apcpos.z - 5 * math.sin(apcheading),
			["type"] = "Soldier M4",
			["heading"] = apcheading - math.pi,
		[2] = {
			["x"] = apcpos.x - 6 * math.cos(apcheading),
			["y"] = apcpos.z - 6 * math.sin(apcheading),
			["type"] = "Soldier M4",
			["heading"] = apcheading - math.pi,
		[3] = {
			["x"] = apcpos.x - 7 * math.cos(apcheading),
			["y"] = apcpos.z - 7 * math.sin(apcheading),
			["type"] = "Soldier M249",
			["heading"] = apcheading - math.pi,

sct.dynAdd("USA", "vehicle", group)
Spawned eine Gruppe Infanteristen hinter einem APC.

Benötigt eine Unit namens "APC".

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 22. Mai 2013, 19:09
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Super, das kann ich auch noch gebrauchen. Im Moment kämpfe ich mit einem Skript, das Infantrie an der Landestelle erzeugen soll und diese dann sich zu einem Punkt in Marsch setzt, aber irgendwie ist da der Wurm drin...

Dafür hier ein Skript, ähnlich wie mein vorheriges, allerdings etwas eleganter und läßt Infantrie die bereits existiert zu dem Heli laufen, wenn dieser gelandet ist. Erreicht die Infantrie den Heli, verschwindet sie wieder und eine Flagge wird gesetzt, die den Status wiedergibt:

Code: Alles auswählen

--create a group with the name "AirborneInf" and the first unit name "AirborneInf"
--create a heli with unit name "Heli" and trigger script via Zone f.e.

local inf       		= Unit.getByName('AirborneInf') --unit name of 1ste unit of AirborneInf group
local infgroup		    = Group.getByName('AirborneInf') --groupname of troops to be pickedup
local heli 				= Unit.getByName('Heli') --unit name of transport heli
local heligroup 		= Group.getByName('Heli') --group name of transport heli

function boarding()

	if heli:inAir()
				then return
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are embarking, hold position!"), 10)
					trigger.action.setUserFlag('904', true) --Flag 904 indicates troops can embark

	if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(904) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(905) < 1)
					local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are embarking, hold position!"), 10)
					local getin = 
								group = Group.getByName('AirborneInf'),
								point = {x = helipos.x, z = helipos.z, y = helipos.y},
								radius = 0,
								form = "custom",
								speed = 20,
								disableRoads = 1


	mist.flagFunc.units_in_moving_zones --creating zone to trigger that troops embarked
								units           = {"AirborneInf"}, 
								zone_units      = {"Heli"},
								radius          = 20, --distance at which infanty embark
								flag            = 905,
								stopflag        = 906,
								req_num			= 1
function onboard()						
	if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(905) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(906) < 1)
					local inf = Unit.getByName('AirborneInf') --unit name of 1ste unit of AirborneInf group
					local infgroup = Group.getByName('AirborneInf') --groupname of troops to be pickedup
					trigger.action.setUserFlag('906', true) --Flag 906 indicates troops are on board
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("All troops on board!"), 10)
mist.scheduleFunction(boarding, {}, timer.getTime() + 1, 120) 
mist.scheduleFunction(onboard, {}, timer.getTime() + 1, 2) 

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 22. Mai 2013, 20:24
von JaBoG32_Herby
Versuchs mal hiermit.

Code: Alles auswählen

local apc = Unit.getByName("APC")
local apcpos = apc:getPosition().p

local folgen = 
            group = Group.getByName("USA gnd 4"),
            point = {y = apcpos.y, x = apcpos.z, z = apcpos.x},
            radius = 10,


Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 23. Mai 2013, 10:52
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Ja, das hatte ich auch schon probiert, funktionierte erst wieder nachdem ich MIST zusätzlich über eine "Time more than 1 second Aktion" geladen habe und sämtlich Kommentare im Skript gelöscht habe. Die scheinen das Spiel noch durcheinander zu bringen...

Noch eine kurze Korrektur zu dem was im Guide steht bezüglich der MIST scheduleFunction, welche ermöglich eine Funktion zeitlich wiederholt abzufragen (z.B. if Bedingungen zu prüfen) und sehr nützlich ist:

Code: Alles auswählen

local function boarding()
if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(505) > 0)
					local infgroup = Group.getByName('test')

mist.scheduleFunction(boarding, {}, timer.getTime() + 5, 60) 

MIST scheduleFunction so 5 Sekunden nach initialisierung alle 60 Sekunden lang die Funktion "boarding" auf, welche die Gruppe "test" löscht, sollte Flagge 505 true sein. Das ist meiner Erfahrung falsch im Guide beschrieben.

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 23. Mai 2013, 18:19
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Ist zwar kein MIST Skript, aber ich schreibe es trotzdem mal in die Sammlung, da man es immer mal wieder braucht. Läßt Rauch spawnen in einem zufällig definierten Abstand von einer Einheit und nicht driekt auf ihr:

Code: Alles auswählen

local inf = Unit.getByName('test')
local infpos = inf:getPosition().p
trigger.action.smoke({x=infpos.x + math.random(5,10), y=infpos.y-2, z=infpos.z + math.random(5,10)}, trigger.smokeColor.Green)

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 23. Mai 2013, 20:36
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Hier ein Beispiel einer Kombination von dem addGroup Befehlt mit mist.goRoute anhand von erzeugter Infantrie, die an eine zufällige Position in einer Zone "test" laufen. Das ganze werde ich noch mit einer If Schleife verknüpfen, die wenn der "heli" landet, die Infantrie erzeugt, das ist aber auch schon in den vorherigen Skriptschnipsel festgehalten. Hier geht es mehr um Wegpunkte erzeugen und diese mit dem MIST.goRoute Befehl einzusetzen. (Das hat mich echt Nerven gekostet und am Ende habe ich es nur durch Psyrixx Skript geschaft, halbwegs zu verstehen, wie der Mist geht)

Code: Alles auswählen

local heli = Unit.getByName('heli') 
local heligroup = Group.getByName('heli') 
local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
local heliheading = mist.getHeading(heli)	

local targetunit = trigger.misc.getZone('test')
local targetunitpos = {}

targetunitpos.x = targetunit.point.x + math.random(targetunit.radius * -1, targetunit.radius)
targetunitpos.z = targetunit.point.z + math.random(targetunit.radius * -1, targetunit.radius)
local data = {
								   ["visible"] = false,
								   ["groupId"] = "PontiacInf",
								   ["taskSelected"] = true,
								   ["hidden"] = false,
								   ["units"] = 
									  [1] = 
										 ["y"] = helipos.z + 8,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 1,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = helipos.x,
									[2] = 
										 ["y"] = helipos.z,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 2,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = helipos.x  + 8,
									[3] = 
										 ["y"] = helipos.z - 8,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 3,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = helipos.x,
									[4] = 
										 ["y"] = helipos.z,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 4,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = helipos.x - 8,
								["name"] = "PontiacInf",
								["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
coalition.addGroup(, Group.Category.GROUND, data)
trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are disembarking, hold position!"), 10)

local infgroup = Group.getByName('PontiacInf')	

function generateWaypoints(targetunit, heli, waypointType)
        local waypoints = {}
        local targetunit = trigger.misc.getZone('test')
		local targetunitpos = {}

		targetunitpos.x = targetunit.point.x + math.random(targetunit.radius * -1, targetunit.radius)
		targetunitpos.z = targetunit.point.z + math.random(targetunit.radius * -1, targetunit.radius)
        local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
        local landingpos = Unit.getByName("PontiacInf"):getPosition().p
        local targetpoint = {
                ["type"] = "Flyover Point",
                ["ETA"] = 0,
                ["y"] = targetunitpos.z,
                ["x"] = targetunitpos.x,
                ["ETA_locked"] = true,
                ["speed"] = 15,
                ["speed_locked"] = true,

        local landingpoint = {
                ["type"] = "Flyover Point",
                ["ETA"] = 0,
                ["y"] = landingpos.z,
                ["x"] = landingpos.x,
                ["ETA_locked"] = true,
                ["speed"] = 15,
                ["speed_locked"] = true,
        if waypointType == 'LZ' then
                waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(landingpoint, 'Off Road', 20)
                waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(targetpoint, 'Diamond', 20)

        return waypoints

LZ = generateWaypoints(targetunit, heli, 'LZ')
trigger.action.outText("Airborneassault on the move!", 40)

mist.goRoute(infgroup, LZ)					

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 24. Mai 2013, 20:29
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
So, hier jetzt das Skript, das eine Gruppe Infantrie bei einem Heli spawnt und diese dann in eine Zone schickt. Dafür notwendig ist die Bedingung das der Heli Truppen an Bord an (Flagge 906=true), eine Landezone "LZ" in der der Heli landet und eine Angriffszone, hier Namen "test". Sobald der Heli in der LZ aufsetzt spawnen die Infantrie auf der Angriffzonen zugewandten Seite des Helis und laufen los.


Code: Alles auswählen

local heli = Unit.getByName('heli') 
local heligroup = Group.getByName('heli') 

local target = trigger.misc.getZone('test')
local targetpos = {}
targetpos.x = target.point.x + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
targetpos.z = target.point.z + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)

	units = {'heli'},
	zones = {'LZ'},
	flag = 910,     
function landingcheck()
trigger.action.setUserFlag('906', true) -- for testing, indicates heli has infantry on board, remove later
	if heli:inAir()
				then return
				else if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(910) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(906) > 0)
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are dismbarking, hold position!"), 10)

disembarktimer = mist.scheduleFunction(landingcheck, {}, timer.getTime(), 10)

function disembarking()	
	local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
	local heliheading = mist.getHeading(heli)	
	trigger.action.outText("disembarking", 4)
	    local infGroupX = helipos.x + 10 * math.cos(heliheading + math.pi / 2)
        local infGroupY = helipos.z + 10 * math.sin(heliheading + math.pi / 2)
        local infGroupLeftX = helipos.x + 10 * math.cos(heliheading + (math.pi * 3) / 2)
        local infGroupLeftY = helipos.z + 10 * math.sin(heliheading + (math.pi * 3) / 2)
        local leftDistance = math.sqrt((infGroupLeftX - targetpos.x) ^ 2 + (infGroupLeftY - targetpos.z) ^ 2)
        local rightDistance = math.sqrt((infGroupX - targetpos.x) ^ 2 + (infGroupY - targetpos.z) ^ 2)
        if rightDistance >= leftDistance then
                infGroupX = infGroupLeftX
                infGroupY = infGroupLeftY
	local data = {
								   ["visible"] = false,
								   ["groupId"] = "PontiacInf",
								   ["taskSelected"] = true,
								   ["hidden"] = false,
								   ["units"] = 
									  [1] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 1,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX,
									[2] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 2,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX +2,
									[3] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY +2,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 3,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX,
									[4] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY +2,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "PontiacInf",
										 ["unitId"] = 4,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX +2,
								["name"] = "PontiacInf",
								["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
					coalition.addGroup(, Group.Category.GROUND, data)
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are disembarking, hold position!"), 10)

					local infgroup = Group.getByName('PontiacInf')	

	function generateWaypoints(target, heli, waypointType)
							local waypoints = {}
							local target = trigger.misc.getZone('test')
							local targetpos = {}

							targetpos.x = target.point.x + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
							targetpos.z = target.point.z + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
							local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
							local landingpos = Unit.getByName("PontiacInf"):getPosition().p
							local targetpoint = {
									["type"] = "Flyover Point",
									["ETA"] = 0,
									["y"] = targetpos.z,
									["x"] = targetpos.x,
									["ETA_locked"] = true,
									["speed"] = 15,
									["speed_locked"] = true,

							local landingpoint = {
									["type"] = "Flyover Point",
									["ETA"] = 0,
									["y"] = landingpos.z,
									["x"] = landingpos.x,
									["ETA_locked"] = true,
									["speed"] = 15,
									["speed_locked"] = true,
							if waypointType == 'Targetarea' then
									waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(landingpoint, 'custom', 20)
									waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(targetpoint, 'custom', 20)

						return waypoints

				Targetarea = generateWaypoints(target, heli, 'Targetarea')
				trigger.action.outText("Airborneassault on the move!", 40)
				mist.goRoute(infgroup, Targetarea)
				--trigger.action.setUserFlag('911', true)

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 29. Mai 2013, 15:47
von JaBoG32_SNAFU
Hier nochmal das komplette Skript-Template zum Infantry mit dem Huey aufzunehmen, wieder absetzen und in eine Zone maschieren lassen, welches einfach nur geladen werden muß. Die Kommentare in den ersten Zeilen beachten und die Namen entsprechend anpassen, sowie die Triggerzonen in der Map erstellen:

Code: Alles auswählen

--create a group with the name "Infantryname" near a Triggerzone called "Pickupzone"
--create a heli with unit name "Heliname"
--create a Triggerzone called "Dropzone", thats where the infantry can be deployed
--create a Triggerzone called "Gotozone", thats the zone the infantry will move into
--note that flag # 902-906 are used in this script

local inf       		= Unit.getByName('Infantryname') --unit name of 1ste unit of Infantryname group
local infgroup		    = Group.getByName('Infantryname') --groupname of troops to be pickedup
local heli 				= Unit.getByName('Heliname') --unit name of transport heli
local heligroup 		= Group.getByName('Heliname') --group name of transport heli

	units = {'Heliname'},
	zones = {'Pickupzone'},
	flag = 903,     

function boarding()
	if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(903) < 1)
	--trigger.action.outText("903", 4)
		if heli:inAir()
					then return
						trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are embarking, hold position!"), 10)
						trigger.action.setUserFlag('904', true) --Flag 1004 indicates troops can embark
						--trigger.action.outText("904", 4)

		if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(904) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(905) < 1)
						local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
						trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are embarking, hold position!"), 10)
						local getin = 
									group = Group.getByName('Infantryname'),
									point = {x = helipos.x, z = helipos.z, y = helipos.y},
									radius = 0,
									form = "custom",
									speed = 20,
									disableRoads = 1
boardingtimer = mist.scheduleFunction(boarding, {}, timer.getTime() + 1, 5) 

	mist.flagFunc.units_in_moving_zones --creating zone to trigger that troops embarked
								units           = {"Infantryname"}, 
								zone_units      = {"Heliname"},
								radius          = 20, --distance at which infanty embark
								flag            = 905,
								stopflag        = 906,
								req_num			= 1
function onboard()						
	if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(905) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(906) < 1)
					local inf = Unit.getByName('Infantryname') --unit name of 1ste unit of Infantryname group
					local infgroup = Group.getByName('Infantryname') --groupname of troops to be pickedup
					trigger.action.setUserFlag('906',true) --Flag 1006 indicates troops are on board
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("All troops on board!"), 10)

onboardchecktimer = mist.scheduleFunction(onboard, {}, timer.getTime() + 1, 2) 

local target = trigger.misc.getZone('Gotozone')
local targetpos = {}
targetpos.x = target.point.x + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
targetpos.z = target.point.z + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)

	units = {'Heliname'},
	zones = {'Dropzone'},
	flag = 902,     
function landingcheck()
--trigger.action.setUserFlag('906', true) -- for testing, indicates heli has Infantryname on board, remove later
	if heli:inAir()
				then return
				else if (trigger.misc.getUserFlag(902) > 0 and trigger.misc.getUserFlag(906) > 0)
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are dismbarking, hold position!"), 10)

disembarktimer = mist.scheduleFunction(landingcheck, {}, timer.getTime(), 10)

function disembarking()	
	local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
	local heliheading = mist.getHeading(heli)	
	--trigger.action.outText("disembarking", 4)
	    local infGroupX = helipos.x + 10 * math.cos(heliheading + math.pi / 2)
        local infGroupY = helipos.z + 10 * math.sin(heliheading + math.pi / 2)
        local infGroupLeftX = helipos.x + 10 * math.cos(heliheading + (math.pi * 3) / 2)
        local infGroupLeftY = helipos.z + 10 * math.sin(heliheading + (math.pi * 3) / 2)
        local leftDistance = math.sqrt((infGroupLeftX - targetpos.x) ^ 2 + (infGroupLeftY - targetpos.z) ^ 2)
        local rightDistance = math.sqrt((infGroupX - targetpos.x) ^ 2 + (infGroupY - targetpos.z) ^ 2)
        if rightDistance >= leftDistance then
                infGroupX = infGroupLeftX
                infGroupY = infGroupLeftY
	local data = {
								   ["visible"] = false,
								   ["groupId"] = "InfantryDeployed",
								   ["taskSelected"] = true,
								   ["hidden"] = false,
								   ["units"] = 
									  [1] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "InfantryDeployed",
										 ["unitId"] = 1,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX,
									[2] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "InfantryDeployed",
										 ["unitId"] = 2,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX +2,
									[3] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY +2,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "InfantryDeployed",
										 ["unitId"] = 3,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX,
									[4] = 
										 ["y"] = infGroupY +2,
										 ["type"] = "Soldier M4",
										 ["name"] = "InfantryDeployed",
										 ["unitId"] = 4,
										 ["heading"] = heliheading,
										 ["playerCanDrive"] = true,
										 ["skill"] = "Excellent",
										 ["x"] = infGroupX +2,
								["name"] = "InfantryDeployed",
								["task"] = "Ground Nothing",
					coalition.addGroup(, Group.Category.GROUND, data)
					trigger.action.outTextForGroup(Group.getID(heligroup), string.format("Troops are disembarking, hold position!"), 10)

					local infgroup = Group.getByName('InfantryDeployed')	

	function generateWaypoints(target, heli, waypointType)
							local waypoints = {}
							local target = trigger.misc.getZone('Gotozone')
							local targetpos = {}

							targetpos.x = target.point.x + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
							targetpos.z = target.point.z + math.random(target.radius * -1, target.radius)
							local helipos = heli:getPosition().p
							local landingpos = Unit.getByName("InfantryDeployed"):getPosition().p
							local targetpoint = {
									["type"] = "Flyover Point",
									["ETA"] = 0,
									["y"] = targetpos.z,
									["x"] = targetpos.x,
									["ETA_locked"] = true,
									["speed"] = 15,
									["speed_locked"] = true,

							local landingpoint = {
									["type"] = "Flyover Point",
									["ETA"] = 0,
									["y"] = landingpos.z,
									["x"] = landingpos.x,
									["ETA_locked"] = true,
									["speed"] = 15,
									["speed_locked"] = true,
							if waypointType == 'Targetarea' then
									waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(landingpoint, 'custom', 20)
									waypoints[#waypoints+1] = mist.ground.buildWP(targetpoint, 'custom', 20)

						return waypoints

				Targetarea = generateWaypoints(target, heli, 'Targetarea')
				--trigger.action.outText("Airborneassault on the move!", 40)
				trigger.action.setUserFlag('906', false)							
				mist.goRoute(infgroup, Targetarea)
				--trigger.action.setUserFlag('911', true)

Re: M.I.S.T. - Skriptschnipsel

Verfasst: 29. Mai 2013, 22:43
von JaBoG32_Siddharta
Wie KRASS ist Das denn?!
Ich denke so ungefähr könnte ein Duell zwischen Euklid und Heron aussehen :lol: