DCS Data-Loader 3.0

Diskussionen, Hinweise, Feedback, usw. rund um DCS Mods und Add-Ons von Drittanbietern.

Moderator: JaBoG32 Stab

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 31. Dez 2016, 23:58

Bei Toolface hat es geklappt.
Ich drücke die Daumen. :wink:

Intermediate Member
Beiträge: 359
Registriert: 30. Dez 2014, 19:49

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von JaBoG32_Toolface » 1. Jan 2017, 13:20


wenn ich mich recht erinnere sind wir in dem CMD Fenster (Administrator) vor dem Ausführen des Befehles (regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx) noch in das Verzeichniss C:\Windows\SysWOW64 gewechselt. Es mag aber sein, dass das nicht substanziell wichtig ist.



Ignis cadent de caelo.

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 1. Jan 2017, 13:50

wenn ich mich recht erinnere sind wir in dem CMD Fenster (Administrator) vor dem Ausführen des Befehles (regsvr32 mswinsck.ocx) noch in das Verzeichniss C:\Windows\SysWOW64 gewechselt. Es mag aber sein, dass das nicht substanziell wichtig ist.
Richtig, habe wir so gemacht, sollte aber auch so klappen wie oben beschrieben.
Falls nicht, versuche Methode wie von Toolface beschrieben.
Danke für den Einwand Tool.

Intermediate Member
Beiträge: 123
Registriert: 23. Nov 2013, 18:13

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von bilgatus » 1. Jan 2017, 18:40

JaBoG32_Sparrowhawk hat geschrieben:
Kann man das eigentlich auch für die M2000 umschreiben?
Ggf schon. Dazu müsste ich aber zumindest erst mal das Muster haben...
Welches ich mir aber deshalb nicht kaufen werde. :wink:
Was auf Dauer aber nicht so bleiben muss...
Kann ich dir ggf. helfen herauszufinden, ob das überhaupt funktionieren könnte?

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 1. Jan 2017, 20:54

Kann ich dir ggf. helfen herauszufinden, ob das überhaupt funktionieren könnte?
Ja kannst Du. Schau mal ob es die Ordner:
C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\M-2000C\Cockpit\Scripts\
C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\M-2000C\Cockpit\Scripts\
gibt und ob es dort die Dateien:
Bei mir gibt es sie nicht. Habe aber auch das Modul nicht installiert.
Kann aber sein das Du sie auch nicht hast weil es ja ein 3rd Party Produkt ist...

Leider wäre aber erst mal der KA-50 dran...das wollte ich schon länger mal machen.
Aber da muss ich mich erst mal einlesen und dafür die Muße finden. :wink:

Intermediate Member
Beiträge: 123
Registriert: 23. Nov 2013, 18:13

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von bilgatus » 1. Jan 2017, 21:13


\DCS World\Mods\aircraft\M-2000C\Cockpit
clickabledata.lua vorhanden
devices.lua vorhanden

In Scripts weder noch.


Code: Alles auswählen


local gettext = require("i_18n")
_ = gettext.translate

cursor_mode =

clickable_mode_initial_status  = cursor_mode.CUMODE_CLICKABLE
use_pointer_name			   = true

function default_button(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,arg_val_,arg_lim_)

	local   arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
	local   arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}

	return  {
				class 				= {class_type.BTN},
				hint  				= hint_,
				device 				= device_,
				action 				= {command_},
				stop_action 		= {command_},
				arg 				= {arg_},
				arg_value			= {arg_val_},
				arg_lim 			= {arg_lim_},
				use_release_message = {true}

function default_1_position_tumb(hint_, device_, command_, arg_, arg_val_, arg_lim_)
	local   arg_val_ = arg_val_ or 1
	local   arg_lim_ = arg_lim_ or {0,1}
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {arg_val_},
				arg_lim   	= {arg_lim_},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true

function default_2_position_tumb(hint_, device_, command_, arg_)
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {1,-1},
				arg_lim   	= {{0,1},{0,1}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true

function default_3_position_tumb(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,cycled_,inversed_)
	local cycled = true

	local val =  1
	if inversed_ then
	      val = -1
	if cycled_ ~= nil then
	   cycled = cycled_
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {val,-val},
				arg_lim   	= {{-1,1},{-1,1}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				cycle       = cycled

function springloaded_3_pos_tumb(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, arg_, val1_, val2_, val3_)
    local val1 = val1_ or 0.0
    local val2 = val2_ or 0.5
    local val3 = val3_ or 1.0
    return  {   
                class       = {class_type.BTN,class_type.BTN},
                hint        = hint_,
                device      = device_,
                action      = {command1_,command2_},
                stop_action = {command1_,command2_},
                arg         = {arg_,arg_},
                arg_value   = {val1,val3}, 
                arg_lim     = {{val1,val3},{val1,val2}},
                updatable   = true, 
                use_OBB     = true,
                use_release_message = {true,true},

function springloaded_3_pos_tumb_inverted(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, arg_, val1_, val2_, val3_)
    local val1 = val1_ or 0.0
    local val2 = val2_ or 0.5
    local val3 = val3_ or 1.0
    return  {   
                class       = {class_type.BTN,class_type.BTN},
                hint        = hint_,
                device      = device_,
                action      = {command1_,command2_},
                stop_action = {command1_,command2_},
                arg         = {arg_,arg_},
                arg_value   = {val3,val1}, 
                arg_lim     = {{val1,val3},{val1,val2}},
                updatable   = true, 
                use_OBB     = true,
                use_release_message = {true,true},

function default_axis(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_)

	local default = default_ or 1
	local gain = gain_ or 0.1
	local updatable = updatable_ or false
	local relative  = relative_ or false

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {default},
				arg_lim   	= {{0,1}},
				updatable 	= updatable,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				gain		= {gain},
				relative    = {relative},

function default_axis_cycle(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_)

	local default = default_ or 1
	local gain = gain_ or 0.1
	local updatable = updatable_ or false
	local relative  = relative_ or false

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {default},
				arg_lim   	= {{0,1}},
				updatable 	= updatable,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				gain		= {gain},
				relative    = {relative},
				cycle     	= true,

function default_movable_axis(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_)

	local default = default_ or 1
	local gain = gain_ or 0.1
	local updatable = updatable_ or false
	local relative  = relative_ or false

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.MOVABLE_LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {default},
				arg_lim   	= {{0,1}},
				updatable 	= updatable,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				gain		= {gain},
				relative    = {relative},

function default_axis_limited(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_, arg_lim_)

	local relative = false
	local default = default_ or 0
	local updatable = updatable_ or false
	if relative_ ~= nil then
		relative = relative_

	local gain = gain_ or 0.1
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {default},
				arg_lim   	= {arg_lim_},
				updatable 	= updatable,
				use_OBB 	= false,
				gain		= {gain},
				relative    = {relative},
                cycle       = false,

function default_axis_limited_cycle(hint_,device_,command_,arg_, default_, gain_,updatable_,relative_, arg_lim_)

	local relative = false
	local default = default_ or 0
	local updatable = updatable_ or false
	if relative_ ~= nil then
		relative = relative_

	local gain = gain_ or 0.1
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_},
				arg_value 	= {default},
				arg_lim   	= {arg_lim_},
				updatable 	= updatable,
				use_OBB 	= false,
				gain		= {gain},
				relative    = {relative},
                cycle       = true,

function multiposition_switch(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_, min_)
    local min_   = min_ or 0
	local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5

	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
				arg_lim   	= {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
							   {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true

function multiposition_switch_limited(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_,min_)
    local min_   = min_ or 0
	local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5

	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
				arg_lim   	= {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
							   {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				cycle     	= false,

function default_button_axis(hint_, device_,command_1, command_2, arg_1, arg_2, limit_1, limit_2)
	local limit_1_   = limit_1 or 1.0
	local limit_2_   = limit_2 or 1.0
return {
			class		=	{class_type.BTN, class_type.LEV},
			hint		=	hint_,
			device		=	device_,
			action		=	{command_1, command_2},
			stop_action =   {command_1, 0},
			arg			=	{arg_1, arg_2},
			arg_value	= 	{1, 0.5},
			arg_lim		= 	{{0, limit_1_}, {0,limit_2_}},
			animated        = {false,true},
			animation_speed = {0, 0.4},
			gain = {0, 0.1},
			relative	= 	{false, false},
			updatable 	= 	true,
			use_OBB 	= 	true,
			use_release_message = {true, false}

function default_animated_lever(hint_, device_, command_, arg_, animation_speed_,arg_lim_)
local arg_lim__ = arg_lim_ or {0.0,1.0}
return  {
	class  = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB},
	hint   	= hint_,
	device 	= device_,
	action 	= {command_, command_},
	arg 		= {arg_, arg_},
	arg_value 	= {1, 0},
	arg_lim 	= {arg_lim__, arg_lim__},
	updatable  = true,
	gain 		= {0.1, 0.1},
	animated 	= {true, true},
	animation_speed = {animation_speed_, 0},
	cycle = true

function default_multiposition_animated_lever(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_,min_,animation_speed_)
    local min_   = min_ or 0
	local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5

	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
				arg_lim   	= {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
							   {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				cycle     	= false,
				gain 		= {0.1, 0.1},
				animated 	= {true, true},
				animation_speed = {animation_speed_, 0},

function default_button_tumb(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, arg_)
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.BTN,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command1_,command2_},
				stop_action = {command1_,0},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-1,1},
				arg_lim   	= {{-1,0},{0,1}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				use_release_message = {true,false}

function FCS_Tumb(hint_, device_, command1_, command2_, arg_)
	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command1_,command2_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_, arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-0.5,0.5},
				arg_lim   	= {{0,1},{0,1}},
				cycle = false

function default_basic_Lever(hint_, device_, command1_, arg_)
	return	{
				class 		= {class_type.LEV,class_type.LEV},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command1_ ,	command1_},
				arg 		= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value	= {0.05},
				arg_lim 	= {{0.0, 1.0}}

function default_2_way_spring_switch(hint_, device_, command1_, arg_, inversed_)

	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1

	return	{
				class		= {class_type.BTN, class_type.BTN},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command1_,command1_},
				stop_action = {command1_,command1_},
				arg 		= {arg_, arg_},
				arg_value	= {1.0*inversed, -1.0*inversed},
				arg_lim 	= {{0.0, 1.0}, {-1.0, 0.0}},
				use_release_message = {true}

function default_multiposition_knob(hint_,device_,command_,arg_,count_,delta_,inversed_,min_)
    local min_   = min_ or 0
	local delta_ = delta_ or 0.5

	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1

	return  {
				class 		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.TUMB},
				hint  		= hint_,
				device 		= device_,
				action 		= {command_,command_},
				arg 	  	= {arg_,arg_},
				arg_value 	= {-delta_ * inversed,delta_ * inversed},
				arg_lim   	= {{min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)},
							   {min_, min_ + delta_ * (count_ -1)}},
				updatable 	= true,
				use_OBB 	= true,
				cycle     	= true,

function intercom_rotate_tumb(hint_, device_,command_1, command_2, arg_1, arg_2)
return {
			class		=	{class_type.TUMB, class_type.TUMB, class_type.LEV},
			hint		=	hint_,
			device		=	device_,
			action		=	{command_1, command_1, command_2},
			arg			=	{arg_1, arg_1, arg_2},
			arg_value	= 	{1, -1, 1},
			arg_lim		= 	{{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0,1}},
			--animated        = {false,false,false},
			--animation_speed = {0, 0, 0.5},
			relative	= 	{false, false, false},
			updatable 	= 	false, 
			use_OBB 	= 	false,
			gain 		=   {1.0, 1.0, 0.1},
			cycle 		=   false,

function multiposition_switch_spring(hint_, device_, command_1, command_2, arg_, inversed_, min_)
    local min_   = min_ or 0
	local inversed = 1
	if	inversed_ then
		inversed = -1
	return {
			class		= {class_type.TUMB,class_type.BTN},
			hint  		= hint_,
			device 		= device_,
			action		= {command_1 ,command_2},
			arg			= {arg_, arg_},
			stop_action	= {0, command_2},
			arg_value	= {0,1},
			arg_lim		= {{0.0, 0.5},{0.5, 1.0}},
			use_release_message = {false,true},

elements = {}

-- Landing Gear
elements["PTN_404"]	= default_animated_lever(_("Landing Gear Lever"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_404, 404,5.0)
elements["PTN_408"]	= default_animated_lever(_("Landing Gear Emergency Release Lever"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_408, 408, 5.0)

elements["PTN_201"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("HUD Power Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_201, 201, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_203"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("HUD Declutter Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_203, 203, true)
elements["PTN_204"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("HUD Altimeter Selector Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_204, 204, 3, 0.5, true, 0)
elements["PTN_205"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Altimeter Power Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_205, 205, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_206"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Auxiliary Gunsight"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_206, 206)
elements["PTN_207"] = default_axis_cycle(_("Auxiliary Gunsight Deflection"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_207, 207, 0, 0.01, true, 0)
elements["PTN_208"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("A/G Gun Reticle Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_208, 208)
elements["PTN_209"] = default_axis_limited(_("Target Wingspan Knob"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_209, 209, 0, -0.03, true, 0, 99)
elements["PTN_210"] = default_button(_("HUD Clear Button"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_210, 210, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_192"] = default_axis(_("Minimum Altitude Selector"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_192, 192, 0, 0.2, true, 0)
elements["PTN_470"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Radar WOW Emitter Authorize Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_470, 470)
elements["PTN_213"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Data Manual Entry Begin/End"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_213, 213, true)
elements["PTN_214"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Bullseye Waypoint Selector"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_214, 214, true)
elements["PTN_215"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Range from Bullseye"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_215, 215, true)
elements["PTN_216"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Bearing from Bullseye"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_216, 216, true)
elements["PTN_217"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Heading"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_217, 217, true)
elements["PTN_218"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Altitude"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_218, 218, true)
elements["PTN_219"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Mach Number"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_219, 219, true)
elements["PTN_220"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Target Age"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_220, 220, true)
elements["PTN_221"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VTB Power Switch"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_221, 221)
elements["PTN_222"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("VTB Declutter"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_222, 222, true)
elements["PTN_223"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VTB Orientation Selector (Inop)"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_223, 223)
elements["PTN_224"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Icons and Rulers Brightness"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_224, 224, 8, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_225"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Video Brightness"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_225, 225, 8, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_226"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Display Contrast"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_226, 226, 8, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_227"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Display Brightness"), devices.VTH_VTB, device_commands.Button_227, 227, 8, 0.1, false, 0)

elements["PTN_463"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Gun Arm/Safe Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_463, 463)
elements["PTN_234"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Master Arm Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_234, 234)
elements["PTN_248"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Selective Jettison Switch Cover"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_248, 248)
elements["PTN_249"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Selective Jettison Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_249, 249)

elements["PTN_235"] = default_button(_("PCA Button 1"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_235, 235, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_237"] = default_button(_("PCA Button 2"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_237, 237, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_239"] = default_button(_("PCA Button 3"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_239, 239, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_241"] = default_button(_("PCA Button 4"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_241, 241, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_243"] = default_button(_("PCA Button 5"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_243, 243, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_245"] = default_button(_("Gun Mode Button"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_245, 245, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_250"] = default_button(_("Weapons Selector Button 1"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_250, 250, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_253"] = default_button(_("Weapons Selector Button 2"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_253, 253, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_256"] = default_button(_("Weapons Selector Button 3"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_256, 256, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_259"] = default_button(_("Weapons Selector Button 4"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_259, 259, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_262"] = default_button(_("Weapons Selector Button 5"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_262, 262, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_266"] = default_button(_("S530 Standby"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_266, 266, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_269"] = default_button(_("AUTO/MAN Button"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_269, 269, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_272"] = default_button(_("MAGIC Standby"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_272, 272, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_279"] = default_button(_("530D/Rockets/Guns Firing Mode Selector"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_279, 279, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_265"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Missile Selector Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_265, 265, false, false)
elements["PTN_275"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("PPA Test Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_275, 275, false)
elements["PTN_276"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Bomb Fuze Selector Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_276, 276, 3, 0.5, true, 0)
elements["PTN_277"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Bomb Release Quantity Selector Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_277, 277, true)
elements["PTN_278"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Bomb Release Interval Selector Switch"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_278, 278, true)

elements["PTN_409"] = default_button(_("Emergency Jettison"), devices.PCA_PPA, device_commands.Button_409, 409, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_282"] = default_button(_("Autopilot Master Button"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_282, 282, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_285"] = default_button(_("Altitude Hold Button"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_285, 285, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_288"] = default_button(_("Selected Altitude Hold Button"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_288, 288, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_294"] = default_button(_("Approach Hold Button"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_294, 294, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_302"] = default_button(_("Autopilot Lights Test Button"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_302, 302, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_299"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Altitude 10,000 ft Selector"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_299, 299,  6, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_300"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Altitude 1,000 ft Selector"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_300, 300, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_301"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Altitude 100 ft Selector"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_301, 301, 10, 0.1, false4, 0)
elements["PTN_514"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Autopilot Test Switch Cover"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_514, 514)
elements["PTN_515"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Autopilot Test Switch"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_515, 515)
elements["PTN_516"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Test Switch Cover"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_516, 516)
elements["PTN_517"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("FBW Test Switch"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_517, 517, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_479"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Channel 5 Switch Cover"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_479, 479)
elements["PTN_480"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Channel 5 Switch"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_480, 480)
elements["PTN_508"] = default_animated_lever(_("Trim Control Mode Dial"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_508, 508,5.0)
elements["PTN_509"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Rudder Trim Paddle"), devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_509, 509,true)

elements["PTN_330"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Spin Mode Switch"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_330, 330)
elements["PTN_420"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Gain Mode Switch Cover"),  devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_420, 420)
elements["PTN_421"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW Gain Mode Switch"),  devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_421, 421)
elements["PTN_422"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("FBW G-Limiter Switch"),  devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_422, 422)
elements["PTN_423"] = default_button(_("FBW Reset Button"),  devices.AFCS, device_commands.Button_423, 423)

-- HSI
elements["PTN_340"] = default_axis_cycle("HSI VAD Selector",devices.NAVINST, device_commands.Button_340, 340)
elements["PTN_341"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("HSI Mode Selector Switch"), devices.NAVINST, device_commands.Button_341, 341, 7, 0.1, false, 0)

elements["PTN_460"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Intake Slats Operation Switch"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_460, 460)
elements["PTN_461"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Intake Cones Operation Switch"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_461, 461)
elements["PTN_462"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Slats Operation Switch"), devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_462, 462, false, true)
elements["PTN_396"] = default_axis_limited("Pedal Adjustment Lever",devices.SUBSYSTEMS,device_commands.Button_396,396, 0.5, -0.1, true, 0)
elements["PTN_395"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Hydraulic System Selector"), devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_395, 395)

elements["PTN_481"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Illumination Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_481, 481, 4, 0.5, false, -1)
elements["PTN_482"] = default_button(_("Radar Test Button"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_482, 482, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_483"] = default_button(_("Radar Rearm Button"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_483, 483, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_484"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Radar Doppler Reject Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_484, 484, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_485"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Contrast Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_485, 485, 4, 0.5, false, -1)
elements["PTN_486"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Power Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_486, 486, 4, 0.33, false, 0)
elements["PTN_488"] = default_axis_limited(_("Radar Gain Dial"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_488, 488, 10, 0.3, false, 0)
elements["PTN_491"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("A/G Radar A Mode Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_491, 491, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_493"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("A/G Radar DEC Mode Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_493, 493, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_495"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("A/G Radar VISU Mode Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_495, 495, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_499"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Radar Grid Selector Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_499, 499, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_500"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Target Memory Time Selector Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_500, 500, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_502"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Scan Lines Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_502, 502, 3, 0.5, true, 0)
elements["PTN_503"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Radar Range Selector Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_503, 503,true)
elements["PTN_504"] = default_button(_("A/A Radar STT Selector Button"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_504, 504, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_506"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar Azimuth Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_506, 506, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_109"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Radar PRF Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_109, 109, false, true)
elements["PTN_710"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TDC Mode Switch"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_710, 710, 0, 1)

elements["PTN_598"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar IFF Mode Switch"),   devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_598, 598, 6, 0.2, false, 0)
elements["PTN_599"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Radar IFF L/R Selector"),       devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_599, 599, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_600"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Radar IFF Power Switch"),  devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_600, 600, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_601"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Radar IFF Code-4 Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_601, 601, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_602"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Radar IFF Code-3 Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_602, 602, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_603"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Radar IFF Code-2 Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_603, 603, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_604"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Radar IFF Code-1 Selector"), devices.RADAR, device_commands.Button_604, 604, 10, 0.1, false, 0)

elements["PTN_520"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Main Battery Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_520, 520)
elements["PTN_521"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Electric Power Transfer Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_521, 521)
elements["PTN_522"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Alternator 1 Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_522, 522)
elements["PTN_523"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Alternator 2 Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_523, 523)
elements["PTN_524"]	= default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Lights Test Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_524, 524,true)
elements["PTN_654"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Alert Network (QRA) Switch"),devices.PWRPNL, device_commands.Button_654, 654)

-- PCN
elements["PTN_570"] = default_button(_("INS PREP Switch"),     devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_570, 570, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_572"] = default_button(_("INS DEST Switch"),     devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_572, 572, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_576"] = default_button(_("Offset Waypoint/Target"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_576, 576, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_578"] = default_button(_("INS Update"),             devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_578, 578, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_580"] = default_button(_("Validate Data Entry"),    devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_580, 580, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_582"] = default_button(_("Mark Position"),          devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_582, 582, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_667"] = default_button(_("AUTO Navigation"),        devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_667, 667, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_574"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("INS Parameter Selector"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_574, 574, 11, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_584"] = default_button(_("INS Button 1"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_584, 584, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_585"] = default_button(_("INS Button 2"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_585, 585, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_586"] = default_button(_("INS Button 3"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_586, 586, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_587"] = default_button(_("INS Button 4"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_587, 587, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_588"] = default_button(_("INS Button 5"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_588, 588, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_589"] = default_button(_("INS Button 6"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_589, 589, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_590"] = default_button(_("INS Button 7"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_590, 590, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_591"] = default_button(_("INS Button 8"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_591, 591, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_592"] = default_button(_("INS Button 9"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_592, 592, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_593"] = default_button(_("INS Button 0"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_593, 593, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_594"] = default_button(_("INS Clear Button"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_594, 594, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_596"] = default_button(_("INS ENTER Button"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_596, 596, 0, 1)

-- PSM
elements["PTN_627"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("INS Mode Selector"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_627, 627, 8, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_629"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("INS Operational Mode"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_629, 629, 5, 0.1, true, 0)
elements["PTN_665"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("INS Auxiliary Heading/Horizon"), devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_665, 665, 3, 0.5, false, 0)

elements["PTN_605"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("EW Mode Selector Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_605, 605, false, true)
elements["PTN_606"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("BR Power Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_606, 606, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_607"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("RWR Power Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_607, 607, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_608"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("D2M  Power Switch"), devices.DDM_IND, device_commands.Button_608, 608, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_609"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Decoy Release Mode Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_609, 609, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_610"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Decoy Release Program Knob"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_610, 610, 11, 0.1, false, 0)

elements["PTN_194"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("ECM Box Mode Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_194, 194, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_195"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECM Box Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_195, 195)
elements["PTN_196"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECM Box Lights Switch"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_196, 196)
elements["PTN_197"]	= default_axis_limited(_("ECM Box LCD Display Brightness"), devices.RWR, device_commands.Button_197, 197, 5, 0.5, false, 0)

-- Panel Lights
elements["PTN_449"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Police Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_449, 449)
elements["PTN_450"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Landing Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_450, 450, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_452"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Refuel Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_452, 452, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_453"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Anti-Collision Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_453, 453, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_454"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Navigation Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_454, 454, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_455"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Formation Lights Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_455, 455, 3, 0.5, false, 0)
elements["PTN_639"]	= default_axis_limited(_("Dashboard U.V. Lights Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_639, 639, 10, 0.3, false, 0)
elements["PTN_640"]	= default_axis_limited(_("Dashboard Panel Lights Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_640, 640, 10, 0.3, false, 0)
elements["PTN_641"]	= default_axis_limited(_("Red Flood Lights Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_641, 641, 10, 0.3, false, 0)
elements["PTN_642"]	= default_axis_limited(_("Console Panel Lights Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_642, 642, 10, 0.3, false, 0)
elements["PTN_644"]	= default_axis_limited(_("White Flood Lights Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_644, 644, 10, 0.3, false, 0)

-- Engine Start Panel
elements["PTN_468"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine In-Flight Start Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_468, 468, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_467"] = default_button(_("Engine Shutdown Button"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_467, 467)
elements["PTN_645"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine Start Switch Cover"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_645, 645)
elements["PTN_646"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Starter Fuel Pump Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_646, 646)
elements["PTN_647"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine Fuel Left Boost Pump Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_647, 647)
elements["PTN_648"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine Fuel Right Boost Pump Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_648, 648)
elements["PTN_649"]	= default_button(_("Engine Start Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_649, 649, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_650"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("Ventilation Selector Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_650, 650, 3, 0.50, false, 0)
elements["PTN_651"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Cutoff Switch Cover"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_651, 651)
elements["PTN_652"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Cutoff Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_652, 652)
elements["PTN_477"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Dump Switch Cover"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_477, 477)
elements["PTN_478"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Dump Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_478, 478)
elements["PTN_471"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("A/B Emergency Cutoff Switch Cover"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_471, 471)
elements["PTN_472"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("A/B Emergency Cutoff Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_472, 472)
elements["PTN_464"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Emergency Throttle Cover"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_464, 464)
elements["PTN_465"] = default_axis_limited(_("Emergency Throttle Handle"),devices.ENGPANEL,device_commands.Button_465,465, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_475"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Engine Emegency Control Cover"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_475, 475)
elements["PTN_476"]	= multiposition_switch_limited(_("Engine Emegency Control Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_476, 476,3, 0.5, true, 0)

-- Fuel Panel
elements["PTN_193"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Refuel Transfer Switch"), devices.ENGPANEL, device_commands.Button_193, 193)
elements["PTN_360"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Bingo Fuel 1,000 kg Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_360, 360,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_361"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Bingo Fuel 100 kg Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_361, 361,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_357"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Fuel Cross Feeed Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_357, 357)

-- Radio Panel
elements["PTN_429"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("UHF Power 5W/25W Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_429, 429)
elements["PTN_430"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("UHF SIL Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_430, 430)
elements["PTN_431"]	= default_2_way_spring_switch(_("UHF E+A2 Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_431, 431, true)
elements["PTN_432"]	= default_button(_("UHF CDE Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_432, 432)
elements["PTN_433"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("UHF Mode Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_433, 433, 4, 0.25, false, 0)
elements["PTN_434"]	= default_button(_("UHF TEST Switch"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_434, 434)
elements["PTN_435"]	= default_multiposition_knob(_("UHF Knob"), devices.UHF, device_commands.Button_435, 435, 20, 0.05,false,0.05)
elements["PTN_437"]	= default_button(_("U/VHF TEST Switch"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_437, 437)
elements["PTN_438"]	= default_2_way_spring_switch(_("U/VHF E+A2 Switch"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_438, 438, true)
elements["PTN_439"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("U/VHF SIL Switch"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_439, 439)
elements["PTN_440"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF 100 MHz Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_440, 440, 4, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_441"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF 10 MHz Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_441, 441, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_442"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF 1 MHz Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_442, 442, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_443"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF 100 KHz Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_443, 443, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_444"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF 25 KHz Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_444, 444, 4, 0.25, false, 0)
elements["PTN_445"]	= default_multiposition_knob(_("U/VHF Knob"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_445, 445, 20, 0.05,false,0.05)
elements["PTN_446"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("U/VHF Mode Switch 1"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_446, 446, 5, 0.25, false, 0)
elements["PTN_447"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("U/VHF Power 5W/25W Switch"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_447, 447)
elements["PTN_448"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("U/VHF Manual/Preset Mode Selector"), devices.UVHF, device_commands.Button_448, 448, 3, 0.50, false, 0)

-- Navigational Antennas
elements["PTN_616"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("VOR/ILS Frequency Change Whole"),devices.VORILS,device_commands.Button_616,616, 11, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_617"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VOR/ILS Power Dial"), devices.VORILS,device_commands.Button_617,617)
elements["PTN_618"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("VOR/ILS Frequency Change Decimal"),devices.VORILS,device_commands.Button_618,618, 20, 0.05,false,0.0)
elements["PTN_619"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("VOR/ILS Test Dial"), devices.VORILS,device_commands.Button_619,619)
elements["PTN_623"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("TACAN Channel 10 Selector"),devices.TACAN,device_commands.Button_623,623, 13, 0.076923, false, 0.0)
elements["PTN_624"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("TACAN X/Y Select"),devices.TACAN,device_commands.Button_624,624)
elements["PTN_625"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("TACAN Channel 1 Selector"),devices.TACAN,device_commands.Button_625,625, 10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_626"] = multiposition_switch_limited(_("TACAN Mode Select"), devices.TACAN, device_commands.Button_626, 626, 4, 0.33, false, 0)

-- Miscelaneous Left Panel
elements["PTN_400"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Cockpit Clock"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_400, 400)
elements["PTN_191"] = default_button(_("Audio Warning Reset"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, Keys.PlaneResetMasterWarning, 191, 0, 1)
elements["PTN_458"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Anti-Skid Switch Cover"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_458, 458)
elements["PTN_459"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Anti-Skid Switch"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_459, 459)
elements["PTN_666"]	= default_animated_lever(_("Parking Brake Lever"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_666, 666,5.0)
elements["PTN_456"]	= default_animated_lever(_("Canopy Jettison"),devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_456, 456,5.0)
elements["PTN_457"]	= default_animated_lever(_("Drag Chute Lever"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_457, 457,5.0)
elements["PTN_807"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Nose Wheel Steering / IFF Interrogation Button"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_807, 807)
elements["PTN_655"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Canopy Rest"),devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_655, 655)
elements["PTN_656"] = default_multiposition_animated_lever(_("Canopy Lock/Neutral/Lower Lever"), devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_656, 656, 3, 0.5, false, 0,2.5)
elements["PTN_905"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Emergency Compass"),devices.PCN_NAV, device_commands.Button_905, 905)
elements["PTN_907"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Canopy Handle"),devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_907, 907)
elements["PTN_908"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Canopy Handle"),devices.SUBSYSTEMS, device_commands.Button_908, 908)
elements["PTN_909"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mirror Rendering Toggle"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_909, 909)

-- Miscelaneous Right Panel
elements["PTN_657"]	= multiposition_switch_spring(_("Emergency Hydraulic Pump Switch"), devices.ENGINE, device_commands.Button_657, device_commands.Button_657, 657)
elements["PTN_658"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("Audio Warning Switch"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_658, 658)
elements["PTN_659"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Pitot Heat Cover"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_659, 659)
elements["PTN_660"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Pitot Heat Switch"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_660, 660)

-- Miscelaneous Seat
elements["PTN_900"] = default_2_way_spring_switch(_("Seat Adjustment Switch"), devices.MISCPANELS, device_commands.Button_900, 900,true)
elements["PTN_910"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("LOX Dilution Lever"),devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_910,  910)
elements["PTN_912"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("LOX Emergency Supply"), devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_912, 912)
elements["PTN_911"] = { class       = {class_type.TUMB, class_type.BTN},
                        hint        = _("LOX Test Switch") , 
                        device      = devices.ECS, 
                        arg         = {911, 911},
                        arg_value   = {0, 1.0},
                        arg_lim     = {{0, 0.5},{0.5, 1.0}},
                        action      = {device_commands.Button_911,device_commands.Button_911},
                        stop_action = {0, device_commands.Button_911}, 
                        stop_value  = {nil, 0.5},                                   
                        use_release_message = {false, true}}

-- Sound Panel
elements["PTN_700"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("AMPLIS Selector Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_700, 700)
elements["PTN_701"] = default_axis_limited(_("VOR/ILS Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_701, 701, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_702"] = default_axis_limited(_("TACAN Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_702, 702, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_703"] = default_axis_limited(_("MAGIC Tone Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_703, 703, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_704"] = default_axis_limited(_("TB APP Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_704, 704, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_705"] = default_axis_limited(_("Marker Signal Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_705, 705, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_706"] = default_axis_limited(_("UHF Radio Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_706, 706, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_707"] = default_axis_limited(_("V/UHF Radio Volume Knob"), devices.SYSLIGHTS, device_commands.Button_707, 707, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {0.0, 1.0})

-- Flight Instruments
elements["PTN_309"] = default_axis(_("Barometic Pressure Calibration"),devices.FLIGHTINST,device_commands.Button_309,309)
elements["PTN_314"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ADI Cage Lever"),devices.FLIGHTINST, device_commands.Button_314, 314)
elements["PTN_315"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("ADI Backlight Switch"),devices.FLIGHTINST,device_commands.Button_315,315)
elements["PTN_325"] = { 
	class				= {class_type.BTN, class_type.LEV}, 
	hint				= _("Backup ADI Cage/Pitch Adjust Knob"), 
	device				= devices.FLIGHTINST, 
	action				= {device_commands.Button_325, device_commands.Button_328}, 
	stop_action			= {device_commands.Button_325, 0}, 
	is_repeatable		= {}, 
	arg					= {325, 328}, 
	arg_value			= {1.0, 0.0}, 
	arg_lim				= {{0, 1}, {-1, 1}}, 
	relative			= {false,false},
	gain				= {1.0, 0.5}, 
	use_release_message	= {true, false}, 
	use_OBB				= true,
	animated			= {false,false},
	animation_speed		= {anim_speed_default,0},
	cycle				= false,
-- ECS Panel
elements["PTN_630"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECS Main Mode Switch"),devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_630, 630)
elements["PTN_631"]	= default_button(_("ECS C Button"), devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_631, 631, 1, 1)
elements["PTN_633"]	= default_button(_("ECS F Button"), devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_633, 633, 1, 1)
elements["PTN_635"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECS Cond Switch"),devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_635, 635)
elements["PTN_636"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECS Air Exchange Switch"),devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_636, 636)
elements["PTN_637"] = default_axis_limited_cycle(_("ECS Temperature Select Knob"), devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_637, 637, 0.8, 0.5, true, false, {-1.0, 1.0})
elements["PTN_638"]	= default_2_position_tumb(_("ECS Defog Switch"),devices.ECS, device_commands.Button_638, 638)

-- IFF
elements["PTN_377"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-1 Tens Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_377, 377,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_378"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-1 Ones Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_378, 378,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_379"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-3A Thousands Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_379, 379,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_380"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-3A Hundreds Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_380, 380,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_381"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-3A Tens Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_381, 381,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_382"] = default_multiposition_knob(_("Mode-3A Ones Selector"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_382, 382,  10, 0.1, false, 0)
elements["PTN_383"] = default_3_position_tumb(_("Ident Power Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_383, 383, false, false)
elements["PTN_384"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mode-1 Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_384, 384)
elements["PTN_385"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mode-2 Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_385, 385)
elements["PTN_386"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mode-3A Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_386, 386)
elements["PTN_387"] = default_2_position_tumb(_("Mode-C Switch"), devices.INSTPANEL, device_commands.Button_387, 387)

-- Add more lines in command_defs.lua if needed

for i,o in pairs(elements) do
	if  o.class[1] == class_type.TUMB or
	   (o.class[2]  and o.class[2] == class_type.TUMB) or
	   (o.class[3]  and o.class[3] == class_type.TUMB)  then
	   o.updatable = true
	   o.use_OBB   = true

Code: Alles auswählen

local count = 0
local function counter()
	count = count + 1
	return count
-------DEVICE ID-------
devices = {}
devices["FLIGHTINST"]	        = counter()	-- 1
devices["NAVINST"]		        = counter()	-- 2
devices["ENGINE"]		        = counter()	-- 3
devices["INSTPANEL"]	        = counter()	-- 4
devices["VTH_VTB"]		        = counter()	-- 5
devices["PCA_PPA"]		        = counter()	-- 6
devices["ENGPANEL"]		        = counter()	-- 7
devices["PWRPNL"]		        = counter()	-- 8
devices["PCN_NAV"]		        = counter()	-- 9
devices["RADAR_RDI"]	        = counter()	-- 10
devices["RADAR"]		        = counter()	-- 11
devices["EW_RWR"]		        = counter()	-- 12
devices["RWR"]			        = counter()	-- 13
devices["SUBSYSTEMS"]	        = counter()	-- 14
devices["MAGIC"]		        = counter()	-- 15
devices["SYSLIGHTS"]	        = counter()	-- 16
devices["AFCS"]			        = counter()	-- 17
devices["ELECTRIC"] 	        = counter()	-- 18
devices["UVHF"]			        = counter()	-- 19
devices["UHF"]			        = counter()	-- 20
devices["INTERCOM"]		        = counter()	-- 21
devices["MISCPANELS"]	        = counter() -- 22
devices["TACAN"]	            = counter() -- 23
devices["VORILS"]	            = counter() -- 24
devices["ECS"]	                = counter() -- 25
devices["FBW"]	                = counter() -- 26
devices["DDM"]	                = counter() -- 27
devices["DDM_IND"]              = counter() -- 28
devices["WEAPONS_CONTROL"]      = counter() -- 29

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 1. Jan 2017, 22:07

Danke, das sieht soweit ganz gut aus.
Die Grundlage wäre wohl da.

Intermediate Member
Beiträge: 163
Registriert: 11. Apr 2016, 17:29
Wohnort: Pirna

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Striker » 10. Jan 2017, 08:54

Sparrow, super Arbeit wieder einmal. Funktioniert bis her alles wie gewohnt. Die Zusatzfunktionen AAR und Fuelpanel konnte ich aber nur zum Teil testen. Sieht aber auch alles bis jetzt gut aus. Daher schon einmal ein dickes Danke !!!!! :thx:

Das einzige was bei mir im Moment ist:

Kann sein das es nur bei mir so ist, aber folgendes Verhalten. Wenn ich das CDU Tool bediene springt dieses in den Hintergrund und mein letztes Fenster kommt wieder in den Vordergrund. Sprich. Ich bin in DCS im Cockpit. DCS ist im Fenstermodus (volle Auflösung), über Alt+Tab hole ich mir das Tool in den Vordergrund (Allways Top ist deaktiviert beim CDU-Tool). Betätige ich einen Button springt das CDU-Tool wieder in den Hintergrund und ich muss es mir wieder per Alt-Tab heranholen. Sprich die Tab-Order scheint nicht ganz schlüssig zu sein. Wie gesagt, es kann aber auch nur bei mir so sein...

„Lügen können Kriege in Bewegung setzen, Wahrheit hingegen kann ganze Armeen aufhalten.“

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 11. Jan 2017, 17:10

Erst mal vielen Dank! Das Lob kann ich aber auch nur zurückgeben, wegen des TAD Mods!
Kann sein das es nur bei mir so ist, aber folgendes Verhalten. Wenn ich das CDU Tool bediene springt dieses in den Hintergrund und mein letztes Fenster kommt wieder in den Vordergrund. Sprich. Ich bin in DCS im Cockpit. DCS ist im Fenstermodus (volle Auflösung), über Alt+Tab hole ich mir das Tool in den Vordergrund (Allways Top ist deaktiviert beim CDU-Tool). Betätige ich einen Button springt das CDU-Tool wieder in den Hintergrund und ich muss es mir wieder per Alt-Tab heranholen. Sprich die Tab-Order scheint nicht ganz schlüssig zu sein. Wie gesagt, es kann aber auch nur bei mir so sein...
Ja mit den Fenstern habe ich im Moment auch so meine liebe Not...
Versuche mal folgendes:
CDU Tool dauerhaft ON TOP.
Wenn es dann vor DCS liegt und Du es nicht verwendest, mit einem Klick auf das JaBoG Logo minieren.
Wenn Du es wieder benötigst mit Alt-TAB oder über die Taskleiste wieder darstellen.
Die Funktion ist eingebaut damit Du nach dem betätigen einer Taste nach 2 Sek. automatisch wieder in
DCS bist und damit wieder die Kontrolle über die Flight Controls hast. Deshalb ist ON TOP aktiv besser!
(Das mit dem minimieren ist jetzt auch neu) :wink:

Advanced Member
Beiträge: 781
Registriert: 13. Sep 2012, 20:43
Wohnort: Ratingen

Re: DCS A-10C CDU-Data-Loader 3.0

Beitrag von Sparrowhawk » 15. Jan 2017, 14:09

Patch mit ausführlicher Beschreibung für fehlende System Datei 'MSWINSCK.OCX' erstellt.
(Im ersten Post)

Nu los A-10er jetzt aber testen...wollen doch mal aus der BETA Phase raus. :mrgreen:
Bitte auch melden wenn es klappt... :wink:
