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Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline - Expansion Pack angekündigt

Verfasst: 6. Mär 2007, 12:08
von Schleudersitz
=> ... oadmap.htm

[quote889]The ACES team has been busy working away on the next two updates for “Flight Simulator X”, Service Pack 1 and the DirectX 10 update, but we also wanted tell you about something even bigger that’s coming soon. This fall, we’re releasing our first expansion pack in years: “Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline”!

[b889]This latest addition to the award-winning “Flight Simulator” franchise will introduce new features, including multiplayer air racing, new missions, and all-new aircraft, including the legendary P-51 Mustang. [/b889]

Building on the rich visuals and amazing realism of our platform, ”Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline” will be available this holiday season for "Flight Simulator X" customers running either Windows XP or Windows Vista. In addition, as a Games for Windows title, “Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline” will include support for key Windows Vista features such as the Game Explorer and Parental Controls. For those customers with compatible hardware, “Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline” will take advantage of Windows Vista and DirectX 10 to deliver breathtaking graphics and dynamic environments for an even more immersive experience.

In the meantime, Service Pack 1 for “Flight Simulator X” is tentatively scheduled for an April release and will include a targeted set of performance and content enhancements to address the most common customer requests.

In addition, work continues on the DirectX 10 visual update for “Flight Simulator X”, which will be available as a free download around the launch of “Flight Simulator X: Adrenaline”.

Keep an eye on FSInsider for more details![/quote889]

Verfasst: 6. Mär 2007, 17:16
von Callisto
Jo, bin auch gestern drüber gestolpert. Ich freue mich mehr auf ein lokales Expansion Pack für die Region hier von Aerosoft. Außerdem finde ich es schon etwas befremdlich, dass MS nicht als erstes den Directx10 Patch rausbringt, sondern erst ein SP strickt. Und stellt sich die fehlende Glaubwürdigkeit dieses Unternehmens unter Beweis, wen wunderts.

Da stricken Sie eine brandneue Grafiklibrary und supporten die mit Ihrem (technologisch) besten Pferd im Stall nicht mal selbst.
Gates you suck :-)