Simulated Air Combat for DCS World 

A-A  •  A-G  •  Helicopter
The 321st TIGERS  

Air to Air combat and realistic BVR procedures

Air to Ground operations including overall teamwork
The 323rd VANGUARDS  

Helicopter taskings like CAS, CSAR and CARGO
Human Air Traffic Control:  

Enjoy active TWR, AWACS and Mission Control

Develop together with our members
Fight´s on!  

Stunning Multiplayer Scrambles
Combined Arms:  

Advanced and unpredictable Mission AI

Pilot : JaBoG32_Tank

Staffel 322nd Flying Monsters
Rang Major
Erstmuster F-15E Strike Eagle
Zweitmuster F/A-18C Hornet
Flugstunden 679.01
Flugzeuge zerstört 8
Bodenziele zerstört 11
Strategische Ziele zerstört 1


LCR BJT 10 Jahre CR IP Pilotenschwinge Silber Pilotenschwinge Bronze Pilotenschwinge Gold LLTM CQ

Letzten Einsätze

Nr Einsatzort Einsatzart
#2619 NTTR Training
#2604 NTTR R66 Training
#2582 R66 CAS Training
#2577 NTTR Training
#2549 NTTR Training
#2538 NTTR Training
#2486 NTTR Training
#2475 Nellis Training
#2463 Nellis AFB Training
#2453 NTTR R62A Training
#2439 Akrotiri CAP
#2432 NTTR Training
#2430 ETTR - GUAM - NTTR Transport
#2411 NTTR Training
#2387 ETTR Deep Strike